Mexico’s National Institute of Geriatrics (INGER) has a multidisciplinary and horizontal approach to the diversity of topics concerning ageing, and two of its main goals are: to concur the implementation of the models of care and education by both private and public sectors, and to establish a health care model for older persons based on morbidity and disability indicators, providing access to physical activity, proper nutrition and timely treatment of health conditions that may have negative consequences on their quality of life; as well as the extension of care in communities and homes. These actions will translate into the inclusion of geriatrics and gerontology as a horizontal perspective in the development of any health and social program in Mexico.

Mission: Promote healthy aging through the production of new knowledge, its dissemination and use; the development of human resources and the impulse to the necessary transformation of the National Health System.

Vision: To be the leading institution in research and teaching on aging that contributes favorably to the health and well-being of the population.